21 July 2014

Blog shift

Active blogging, such as it is, will shift to http://williamshefski.com

Updates on the progress of Shot Tower will appear there.

Currently the book is available to agents/publisher interested in participating in a best-seller.

15 July 2014

SHOT TOWER Complete!

Years of research. Two drafts and two polishes. Auditions for agent and publisher begin.

30 May 2014

First Draft in the...Box

Missed a Sunday Post but that day was the start of the between-drafts period. In-house readers reading, self-review due, next draft, polish, rewrite then final polish to come. Stand by.

Working on History Girl contribution,which will partly double as submission synopsis. H-Girl site is Jersey-centric, though HG says it is tri-state. That  fits, since Shot Tower, the Novel is Philly-centric - at start - and journeys to some elsewheres. One of which is a district in New Jersey known as Pavonia (now known as Cramer Hill.) And for Delaware, strong mentions and a major historic player appears. You'll just have to read it.

18 May 2014

The Black Jacks and Star of the West.

Google Books has an e-book preview of this Black Jacks book. The Black Jacks appear in the historical  novel Shot Tower.

And the Star of the West cotton trading clipper out of Liverpool is in there. Mobile was a port of call. Was Savannah?  Not certain but it will be in Shot Tower.. Mobile Bay itself, if all goes as planned, is projected to appear as a setting in Shot Tower Book III.

Note Websearchers who may have landed on this pase as a reult of some randow searcg,Shot Tower, The Novel is not published at the time of this posting. check the rest of this site, for instance the Front Page for news of its avaiability. Or heck, check Amazon.com.

11 May 2014

Historical Personages in SHOT TOWER, The Novel

Here are some of the historical personalities who appear with the fictional characters in Shot Tower.

Admiral Samuel Francis DuPont. Commander of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, assembled the largest fleet of U.S. Navy ships ever seen up to that time for the assault on Port Royal Sound.

Col. George Henry Sharpe. Chief of the Bureau of Military Information, first USA intelligence service. Organized to replace the Pinkerton Detective Agency as collectors of Military intelligence. CIA predecessor.

Father J. Patrick  Dunn, Pastor of St. Philip Neri Parish, arranged for arms to defend his church in the Southwark Nativist Riot and faced off against public officials armed with pistols.

Gen. George Cadwalader by Thomas Eakins

Gen. George Cadwalader led the Pennsylvania Militia during the Southwark Nativist Riot. It was the first U.S. military unit to ever fire on private citizens. 

Joseph Wood, became the first Philadelphia Chief of Detectives in 1859 and originated the Rogues Gallery.

Charlotte Forten, sister of Margretta
Margaretta  Forten, Abolistionist, teacher and daughter of prosperous sail maker James Forten.

Henrietta Bower Duterte. first Black Female undertaker in Pennsylvania, smuggled Underground Railroad passengers (escaped slaves) in her caskets.